Visit Peru

A country in western South America, Peru is the 19th largest country in the world, and the third largest in South America.

Capital: Lima
Official Language: Spanish
Independence Day: 28 de Julio 1821 / July 28, 1821
People of Peru: Peruvians
National Animal: Vicuña
North by Ecuador and Colombia;
East by Brazil;
Southeast by Bolivia;
South by Chile;
and in the south and west by the Pacific Ocean.

Currency: Peruvian sol / soles
Freq. used: S/10, S/20, S/50, S/100
Rarely used: S/200
Freq. used: 10, 20, 50 céntimos, S/1, S/2, S/5
Rarely used: 1, 5 céntimos (discontinued, still legal tender)

National Dish: ceviche (seviche) / veg_ceviche de mango
Other veg options:
 1. Sopa de quinoa (quinoa soup) – Quinoa is a grain that’s packed with protein.
2. Locro de zapallo – A creamy criollo dish with potatoes, onions, pumpkin, cheese, and aji peppers that’s often served over rice.
3. Tallarines en salsa huancaina – Pasta served with huancaina sauce made of mild aji peppers, cheese, and breadcrumbs).
4. Restaurants can sometimes tweak Peruvian dishes to accommodate vegetarians
5. Ceviche is a seafood dish. Vegetarians in Peru can order ceviche de champinoñes (mushroom ceviche) to enjoy the classic lime flavor without the fish.

Points of Interests: