The Blythe Intaglios or Blythe Geoglyphs are really cool to explore and understand the way the natives tried to communicate with God. They are a group of gigantic figures incised on the ground near Blythe, California, in the Colorado Desert.

The ground drawings or geoglyphs were created by humans for an, as yet, unknown reason. The Blythe Intaglios contain three human figures, two four-legged animals, and a spiral; although Harner (1953) reported two spirals.The largest human figure in the Blythe Intaglio group is 171 feet (52 m) long. The intaglios are best viewed from the air.

The largest human figure measures 171 feet from head to toe. Their age is inbetween 450 and 2,000 years old. According to the Mohave and Quechans, natives to the lower Colorado River area, the human figures represent Mastamho, the Creator of all life.

We were able to locate two human figures and the animal & spiral figures only.

Happy Traveling & Exploring! 😊